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Say goodbye to dental anxiety with nitrous oxide.

Does the thought of visiting a dental office fill you with fear? Do you feel nervous or anxious leading up to or during dental treatments? You are not alone in your fears. Many people experience dental fears. To help anxious patients feel more comfortable, Dr. Bryce E. Justesen may recommend nitrous oxide in Mesa, Arizona. Nitrous oxide is a medication that helps patients relax during dental procedures. Our dentist may recommend for nitrous oxide if a patient:

  • Has dental fears
  • Has had a traumatic experience in the dental chair
  • Has back or neck problems
  • Is experiencing pain during a dental procedure

Our dentist will place a small mask over your nose, through which you will breathe nitrous oxide mixed with oxygen. Our dentist will control the amount of medication you receive. Nitrous oxide produces minimal sedation, during which a patient is awake, but relaxed and comfortable. After your dental treatment, the effects of nitrous oxide will wear off quickly. You will be able to drive yourself home after your dental treatment.

We encourage you to contact our dental office today to learn more about nitrous oxide and to schedule your next appointment with our dentist. We are excited to make you comfortable when you visit our office!