Creating Healthy Smiles

Combining Science and Artistry

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A Tooth with a Large Chip Might Need Treatment with a Dental Crown

A chipped tooth might start out looking like something minor. If it doesn’t cause you any initial discomfort, you might even be tempted to forgo professional treatment. Yet as time goes on the compromised area of tooth enamel could start to foster a new cavity, or lead to a more serious dental fracture. Even a small amount of damage to... read more »

Porcelain Dental Veneers Can Restore the Cosmetic Appearance of Your Teeth

An unappealing smile with teeth affected by stained tooth enamel, physical, and other cosmetic imperfections can hamper your self-esteem. While a professional whitening treatment can remove set in dental stains, it cannot improve physical imperfections. In a situation like this, Dr. Bryce E. Justesen might recommend cosmetically restoring your smile's appearance with dental veneers and porcelain dental crowns. They will... read more »

Greet the Holidays with a Crowning Smile

Holidays are the time to greet family and friends you haven’t seen in a long time with a wide smile. That can be embarrassing if one of your teeth has been decayed or damaged in a visible way. Fortunately, Dr. Bryce E. Justesen can restore or repair the tooth with a dental crown. A crown can help in repair many... read more »

Do You Need a Tooth Extraction?

If you have a loose tooth, or are looking to wear braces, you might be in need of a tooth extraction. A tooth extraction is what happens when your dentist pulls a tooth from its socket in the bone. Extracting teeth is normally reserved as a last resort, after other options, such as a filling or crown, etc. are considered that... read more »