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How to Maintain Your Toothbrush

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Brushing your teeth daily is an important habit to keep your teeth healthy. So is keeping your brush in good condition. Regular use will wear it out and allow it to gather bacteria. So it is a good idea to care for it so it keeps your mouth healthy. To care for your toothbrush, Dr. Bryce E. Justesen recommends these tips.

Rinse After Use
The most important part of caring for your toothbrush is to thoroughly wash it out after brushing. This will remove the remaining toothpaste and any food particles the bristles picked up. Some people like to rinse with super-hot water or purified water, but that’s really not necessary. Normal tap water will work just fine for this.

Store Your Brush Properly
Making sure your brush dries properly is very important to your long-term health. If you cover it or store it in a place where it can’t dry, then the water and warmth can prompt the growth of bacteria. Use a stand that holds your toothbrush vertically and away from any other brushes. This will allow proper drying and prevent cross-contamination.

Replace Every Four Months
Your toothbrush isn’t going to last forever, and using it regularly will wear it out so it can’t clean as well. It will generally wear out around month 4, and you can tell if it is time to replace the brush by looking at the bristles. If they are split and frayed, they won’t be able to properly clean the plaque off of your teeth, so at that point, it’s best to replace it.

For more information about dental hygiene or to set an appointment, contact Bryce E. Justesen, DDS in Mesa, Arizona.